Create Planet

Create a planet and estimate its properties

Select a preset or customize values below

The radius of the planet from its center to its surface

Earth = 6371 km, Jupiter = 69911 km

The average density of the planet's material

Earth ≈ 5500 kg/m³, Jupiter ≈ 1326 kg/m³

Controls the amount of terrain variation

0 is smooth, 1 is very rough

The seed for the planet generation

Planet Properties

Mass5.96e+24 kg
Surface Area5.10e+14
Surface Gravity9.796 m/s²
Escape Velocity11.173 km/s

Atmosphere Properties

Scale Height8.50 km
Average Molecular Mass28.76 g/mol
Gas Retention Threshold0.41 km/s
Greenhouse Effect1.94 °C
Effective Temperature287.52 K
Atmospheric Mass5.27e+18 kg